Source code for pcapng.scanner

from pcapng.structs import (
    read_int, read_block_data, read_section_header, SECTION_HEADER_MAGIC)
from pcapng.constants.block_types import BLK_RESERVED, BLK_RESERVED_CORRUPTED
from pcapng.exceptions import StreamEmpty, CorruptedFile
import pcapng.blocks as blocks

[docs]class FileScanner(object): """ pcap-ng file scanner. This object can be iterated to get blocks out of a pcap-ng stream (a file or file-like object providing a .read() method). Example usage: .. code-block:: python from pcapng import FileScanner with open('/tmp/mycapture.pcap') as fp: scanner = FileScanner(fp) for block in scanner: pass # do something with the block... :param stream: a file-like object from which to read the data. If you need to parse data from some string you have entirely in-memory, just wrap it in a :py:class:`io.BytesIO` object. """ def __init__(self, stream): = stream self.current_section = None self.endianness = '=' def __iter__(self): while True: try: yield self._read_next_block() except StreamEmpty: return def _read_next_block(self): block_type = self._read_int(32, False) if block_type == SECTION_HEADER_MAGIC: block = self._read_section_header() self.current_section = block self.endianness = block.endianness return block if self.current_section is None: raise ValueError('File not starting with a proper section header') block = self._read_block(block_type) if isinstance(block, blocks.InterfaceDescription): self.current_section.register_interface(block) elif isinstance(block, blocks.InterfaceStatistics): self.current_section.add_interface_stats(block) return block def _read_section_header(self): """ Section information headers are special blocks in that they modify the state of the FileScanner instance (to change current section / endianness) """ section_info = read_section_header( self.endianness = section_info['endianness'] # todo: use property? # todo: make this use the standard schema facilities as well! return blocks.SectionHeader( raw=section_info['data'], endianness=section_info['endianness']) def _read_block(self, block_type): """ Read the block payload and pass to the appropriate block constructor """ data = read_block_data(, endianness=self.endianness) if block_type in blocks.KNOWN_BLOCKS: # This is a known block -- instantiate it return blocks.KNOWN_BLOCKS[block_type].from_context(data, self) if block_type in BLK_RESERVED_CORRUPTED: raise CorruptedFile( 'Block type 0x{0:08X} is reserved to detect a corrupted file' .format(block_type)) if block_type == BLK_RESERVED: raise CorruptedFile( 'Block type 0x00000000 is reserved and should not be used ' 'in capture files!') return blocks.UnknownBlock(block_type, data) def _read_int(self, size, signed=False): """ Read an integer from the stream, using current endianness """ return read_int(, size, signed=signed, endianness=self.endianness)